Bok Choy Steamed Rice
How to clean, prepare, cook and grow this popular chinese vegetable.
Recipe Summary Bok Choy Steamed Rice
With all the fancy grilled summer meats flying around, it's easy to forget about the side dishes. Nobody wants to spend hours in the kitchen when they could be outside playing volleyball in jhorts. With this easy bok choy rice, you can have something much more interesting in the same time as it takes to make plain rice.Ingredients | Chop Choy Recipeprep: 10 mins cook: 25 mins total: 35 mins Servings: 4 Yield: 4 servings
TAG : Bok Choy Steamed RiceSide Dish, Rice Side Dish Recipes,
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Chop Choy Recipe - My passion is creating recipes and sharing the science behind cooking to help you gain confidence in.